For my BFA in Crafts, I majored in Ceramics and minored in Fiber. While clay work took me to architectural ornament, needlework became a passionate hobby. Decades later, in the course of pursuing a complex knitting project, I invented and patented a tool, the Finishing Needle, which is now licensed, made, and sold by Susan Bates, the yarn-tool branch of Coats & Clark, Inc.

Knitted in garter stitch segments, with no seams.

Creekside Trees
A double-knit design inspired one bright winter day by the sight of white-barked sycamores standing in front of a steep ridge topped by dark-barked hardwoods. This pattern is worked from side-to-side. These are the two sides of the same sample.

The Cloud
This is how I imagine the vague internet thing called "the cloud". I'm pretty sure it's actually more complicated, though.

You Can't Rush Geometry
Gallery display of 6 knitted, stuffed spheres. Peace Fleece wool yarn, felted. From left: two rhombicosidodecahedra, one red & blue icosidodecahedron, two small icosahedra, and a truncated octahedron with spiffy contrasting fuschia "edges".

For some reason this always reminds me of Pompeii. Multi-color "woven" knitting, meaning the color not in use is carried alternately above and below the stitches so there are no floating strands across the back.

Attitude Control Motor Valves
Made for the Dream Rocket Project, which planned to cover a Saturn 5 rocket with handmade textile art submitted by thousands of people. One of the exciting projects coordinated by Jennifer Marsh of The International Fiber Collective.

Plant Friends
Plants definitely make friends. Here is a pair framed in wood.

Picnic Purse
Wool yarn, knitted with no seams, then felted. Made for my dear friend Veggie Annie, the personal chef and caterer.

Star Pillow
Things knitted from ordinary variegated yarn can come out looking a bit haphazard. But variegated yarn looks great in a radial short-row design like this.

Rise Up
A mysteriously uplifting little pendant.

Stripey Cube
Knitted geometry is a personal passion.

Teal Vest
We have a tradition of finding a tiny, independent yarn shop wherever we travel. Things made from those yarns always carry special memories.

Concentric Sun
The reflection of this pendant shows the kind of iridescence that makes this medium irresistible to me.

Wing Net pattern
I made up a couple of stitch maneuvers in the course of inventing this pattern. At least, I think I did. You never know with knitting patterns. Somebody in 1843 might have invented the same thing.

Starry Beanbags
More knitted polyhedra. Beanbags are always fun... sparkly ones even more so.

Ringed Gloves
Fabulous sock yarn makes even more fabulous gloves.